The stream has some useful and fun commands that can be used for Navithebot! Listed below are most of the commands for the channel!
!ctt – Tweet of the day! You can use this to access the tweet of the day for the stream to share on your own Twitter.
!host – Explains how to host Lorie in your own channel.
!social – All of Lorie’s social media.
!schedule – Lorie’s current stream schedule.
!subscribe – Brings up a link to subscribe to Lorie on Twitch.
!discord – Brings up a link for Lorie’s Discord server.
!gmg – Brings up a link for Lorie’s Green Man Gaming Affiliate link. Use this to buy games on sale and help support the stream! (Contains an affiliate link)
!games – Brings up a Link to Lorie’s game list.
!humble – Brings up a link for Lorie’s Humble Bundle Affiliate link. Use this to buy games on sale, help support charities, and help support the stream! (Contains an affiliate link)
!prime – Explains Twitch Prime and brings up a link for more information.
!gift – Explains subscription gifting on Twitch.
!support – Brings up various links to help support Lorie.
!tip – Brings up a link to where you can leave a tip for Lorie.
!wishlist – Brings up a link to Lorie’s Amazon wishlist.
!pobox – Brings up Lorie’s PO Box address.
!patreon – Brings up a link to Lorie’s Patreon.
!followed – Shows how long you’ve been following the channel.
!hotline – Brings up links to mental health support.
!hype – Help hype up the chat!
!math – Navi does math! EX: !math 2+2
!ocarina – Brings up a list of songs Lorie can play on the ocarina.
!pet – Pet Xiaoh with a petting counter!
!subsundae – Explains Sub Sundaes.
!uptime – Check to see how long Lorie has been live.
!specs – Brings up a link to Lorie’s PC and equipment information.
!music – List of artists Lorie plays on her stream.
!rupees – Brings up how many rupees you have in the channel.
!redeem list – Brings up a list of rewards you can redeem with rupees.
!makeitrain – Spend 300 rupees to give everyone in chat 30 rupees.
!give – Give another viewer rupees. EX: !give LegendofLorie 300
!top – Shows who has the most rupees in the channel.
!tophours – Shows who has the top hours in the channel.
!sfx – Brings up the current SFX available to play. (Subscriber only)
!switch – Brings up Lorie’s Switch ID.
!FFXIV – Brings up Lorie’s FFXIV information.
!bnet – Brings up Lorie’s