As much as I love writing, I have realized that I love interacting with other gamers on a more personal level a lot more so I have switched my focus entirely to live streaming video games, interacting with the gaming community, and filming YouTube videos. So what does this mean for The Legend of Lorie website? Well, nothing really. I will still occasionally write video game reviews, I’ll still post opinion pieces about game and geek culture, and I will still cover events that I am invited to, however, I have decided to shift my focus from being primarily a writer to entertaining and bettering my socialization skills for my future career in marketing.
So the bottom line? The website will be under construction to focus more on broadcasting gameplay live on Twitch.tv and posting more videos on YouTube. I still love Nintendo and will try to post as many game reviews as I can but it is all dependent on certain publishers if they will allow me to review their games.
Thank you guys so much for continuously supporting my website, my YouTube, my Facebook, my Twitter, and now my new Twitch.tv channel!