The Last of Us Multiplayer Tips

Last of Us Multiplayer

So you’ve beaten The Last of Us and now want to dig into the multiplayer aspects of the game.


Fireflies Logo – The Last of Us

Factions is the Vs portion of The Last of Us. It pits the Fireflies against the Hunters in a battle for supplies. Basically you just eliminate the other team and the supplies are a side game. I’ve found the Clan aspect to be a nice addition to the game, especially if you tie it to Facebook. It will randomly use your friends names as clan members that either join your clan or die if you don’t provide enough supplies.

Anyway, you’re not here for a rundown on what the multiplayer is so lets get to the tips!

​”You make every shot count.” – Joel

1. Collect the supplies as quickly as you can and as often. Supply boxes are scattered throughout the map and are marked with small grey circles. In the very beginning of the game sprint to the nearest one crouch down and spam the loot button(triangle). Be warned though, after the game has been going for a bit these supply boxes can be used as bait, which we will discuss in another tip.
These supply drops are the key to maintaining as bullets are very limited and you’ll need the weapons and crafting materials.
FYI: If you know the direction your team is heading on the map you can somewhat tell where the enemy has been by which supply drops are looted.

2. Once you’ve looted enough supplies craft molotov cocktails and nail bombs. Deploy a nail bomb near the supply box but attempt to hide it in a bush or crevice where it is not as easily seen. For the molotovs use them to flush enemies out of corners, the splash damage is very large and it only takes one hit to drop anyone, unless they simply walk through the flames from an already broken molotov.

3. Maps are typically circular. If you find yourself, or your entire team getting destroyed, attempt to go the other direction on the map. Do it carefully however, don’t sprint and give away your location. If your team mates are doing a good enough job distracting or dying to the other team, you should be able to sneak up behind them. If possible use a shiv for a silent kill or kill multiples with a molotov.

4. Collect med kits quickly and keep a large stock of them. Always keep your health high. It doesn’t take much to get downed and once your down your odds of being rescued are typically very low.

5. Purchase armor ASAP. If you are having a hard time and dying to fast, quickly obtaining armor is the way to go. Mark all targets for parts, assist with kills and craft everything you can so that you can earn enough parts ASAP.

Special Execution

Special Execution

6. Mark all targets! As mentioned in the last tip, mark(R3) every single target. This gives you FREE parts with little to no effort, then finish them off for even more parts.  Not only does this give you parts but it assists your team as well, and if your entire team is getting railed then you are as well.

7. Use special executions if possible but do not risk death over it. If you can easily finish the opponent(Triangle) then do it, but if you think ANY enemies are nearby do NOT do this. Leave the target down and use them as bait. If you take the time to perform an execution move you are completely vulnerable to other enemies. If you think they will recover the opponent and you can’t stop them all then finish him with a well placed bullet or two.

8. Use Listen Mode! And use it at the right times. It takes a good while to recharge if fully drained. Make sure you aren’t using it when you know there are no enemies nearby and then have none available when its needed most.


Mutiplayer Hunter Raid side game

Clan tips: When you are hit with a challenge, for example a Hunter raid on your clan, use your 1-time use items. Save them specifically for these occasions if you are having a hard time. When it asks you what bonus you’d like to use I find the easiest one is the spot enemies one. You can easily run around the map spamming R3 on every single enemy and get credit towards your clan goal.  And don’t forget to grab that extra can of food every kill drops!


“After all we’ve been through. Everything that I’ve done. It can’t be for nothing.”―Ellie

-Matthew, Survivor

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