Tom Clancy passes away at age 66.
October 1st, the nerd, geek, and gaming community lost a very influential icon. Renowned author Tom Clancy passed away at age 66. Clancy was well known for writing great stories for his fans and a lot of his work was seen on the big screen as well. Most gamers, however, know him well for some familiar video game titles. Ghost Recon, Rainbow Six, and Splinter Cell were games that changed the video game industry and influenced many other first person shooters that were released after these. Tom Clancy’s: The Division which will be on next generation consoles is another title that is anxiously awaited by fans of Tom Clancy’s video games.
Tom Clancy started working in the video game industry in the late 80s when he dabbled with a few PC games based on some of his novels. The turning point of his video game career was when he decided to open his own video game studio called Red Storm Entertainment. In the year 2000, however, Clancy made the decision to sell his studio to Ubisoft who later produced hit games.
More than 76 million of Tom Clancy’s games have sold all around the world. As geeks, gamers, and nerds, we will remember you, Tom Clancy. We will remember your amazing novels, your ideas, your movies, and especially your video games.